Well, as the hour is late and the littlest monkey is very restlessly sleeping next to Daddy on one side and a body pillow on the other, this may become a disjointed ramble interrupted fairly often by said monkey. I have been inspired by the blogs of others to begin tracking my own rebirth as a mother, wife and Catholic so that as I have found in others, perhaps others may find in me some kind of inspiration to continue the chain...
A few ideas I have globbed onto recently, include a gem from a less ordinary source - Kathy Ireland on the Huckabee show on Fox said that she prioritizes her life by the acronym J-O-Y - Jesus, Others, Yourself. For some reason this struck me as particularly profound, in that these three bring your joy, and are therefore apropos in seeking fulfillment in these three, in that order, another trinity of affirmation and another means to evaluate what you do in a day.
I also read somewhere, and have added to my favorite quotations, this statement:
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. We have to learn to live happily in the present moment, to touch the peace and joy that are available now." Thich Nhat Hanh
I do wish that I could more often see life this way. But, when you have arrived late (10 minutes prior to Mass) to an overcrowded church and are in a classroom, trying to focus on Mass, and corralling two toddlers and soothing a screaming infant in shoes that are uncomfortable and a dress that makes nursing said infant nigh on impossible without completely stripping to a degree unacceptable for time and place, and the wee one is not interested in bottles or toys... frustration replaces nobility and peace is disturbed and Mass becomes another chore that I am performing with little greatness or nobility and I find it difficult to touch any peace or joy. However, next week we try again with a clean slate and, I hope, a better outcome.
A few ideas I have globbed onto recently, include a gem from a less ordinary source - Kathy Ireland on the Huckabee show on Fox said that she prioritizes her life by the acronym J-O-Y - Jesus, Others, Yourself. For some reason this struck me as particularly profound, in that these three bring your joy, and are therefore apropos in seeking fulfillment in these three, in that order, another trinity of affirmation and another means to evaluate what you do in a day.
I also read somewhere, and have added to my favorite quotations, this statement:
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. We have to learn to live happily in the present moment, to touch the peace and joy that are available now." Thich Nhat Hanh
I do wish that I could more often see life this way. But, when you have arrived late (10 minutes prior to Mass) to an overcrowded church and are in a classroom, trying to focus on Mass, and corralling two toddlers and soothing a screaming infant in shoes that are uncomfortable and a dress that makes nursing said infant nigh on impossible without completely stripping to a degree unacceptable for time and place, and the wee one is not interested in bottles or toys... frustration replaces nobility and peace is disturbed and Mass becomes another chore that I am performing with little greatness or nobility and I find it difficult to touch any peace or joy. However, next week we try again with a clean slate and, I hope, a better outcome.
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